Friday, December 18, 2009

Baroque Music Blog

Baroque music is the type of music originating in Italy, Baroque started in the late 16th century but didnt begin to be noticed until the 17th century where it then became very popular.Baroque expanded towards Germany and South America in the 18th century. Some Baroque artists at the time that were the best of the best were Caravaggio and Annibale Carracci

they were very popular in the Baroque period. The Baroque period was basicaly a time of European music where art or even how people seen art changed people learned to appreciate art that seemed somewhat odd or just strange. I personaly like baroque music it has a very soothing vibe to it. Baroque Music was even characterized by its use of counterpoint. Basso Continuo is when one or more bass instruments are played along with a keyboard this was probly the most distinct characteristic of Boroque music.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Today I am going to blog about ancient music I have tried to find the oldest forms of music that I can and what I have came up with is the Papyri and bone flutes. There is the Yale Musical Papyrus and the Michigan Instrumental Papyrus. They are the oldest forms of notation known to man. We dont know the sound of the melodies in the papyrus most say that ancient music is lost, but other disagree. Over thirty melodies or collection of melodies have been discovered in these Papyrus and about 5 of them were seen in midevil notation. My sources for this information is The oldest known instrument is the Bone Flute. It proves that music has been made for thousands of years. There was a bone flute made from mammoth that was dated for thirty thousand years ago. Most bone flutes are dated for about 2 or 4 thousands years ago but some are found from anywhere to 2 thousand to 30 thousand years ago . The bone flute is the earliest instrument ever discovered by archeologists and I strongly respect it.

There are always more and more bone flutes being found, Ive seen articles about the oldest bone flute ever to be dicovered then upon more searching I would find more articles claiming to have found the oldest known bone flute. So far the oldest bone flute I have read about was dated back 40,000 years The bone-flute pieces were found in 2008 at Hohle Fels. Hohle Fels is a stone age cave in Germany. Researchers stated that it is beleived that bone flutes or just music in general was used as a way for the Neanderthal to comunicate. The 40,000 year old bone flute was carved from Mammoth-ivory, this made it very difficult to make. The Mammoth bone had to be split striaght down the middle and then both side would be hollowed and finally had to be sealed back together air tight. My conclusion is that we may never know how long ago the first bone flutes were created but it is apparent that music has been a part of generation after generation and will continue to be for as long as life exists on this planet.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My first post

This is my music appreciation class blog I am going to talk about Musicians, Artists, lyrics, and more prepare to be dazed by the Mike Pinnell Experience.